Eugene, OR
Size. 103,375 sqft.
Completed. Fall 2019
Market. Commercial Retail
Project Role. Planting Conceptual Design, Full-Service Documentation
About. Valley River Center is the largest retail center-destination between Portland and Sacramento. To further enhance the user experience and dedicated flexible area for communal events and public gatherings, the Town Center has undergone new construction to include a new outdoor entry plaza wedged between 14,000 sqft. of new retail. Along with the enhancements, the Town Center looked to meet present-day water efficiency regulations. Focusing mainly on the planting scheme which included a series of rain gardens and parking lot planters, the plant palette was meticulously chosen to fulfill water compliant planting conditions per the City of Eugene. Working closely with the project team, the plaza integrates an innovative stormwater management system.
Design. The forward-thinking plant palette is drought abundant and includes signature tree specimens, Pacific Sunset Maples with vibrant fall hues, that will create a lasting identity for space. The new plaza will invite visitors to the Town Center with lush planting, outdoor seating, and open public spaces.
A Bit More. I learned a lot with this project particularly about bio-retention planting and plant types. Having to meet strict regulations posed a challenge but was an excellent learning opportunity.

Site Plan

View of plaza and raised planters.

Parking lot bio-retention planter.

Parking lot bio-retention planter.

Bio-retention basin.
Bio-retention planter planting scheme.